MCPT LLC Telehealth Terms of Service (TOS)
When signing in for telehealth services you are acknowledging review of MCPT LLC Privacy Practices as either previously read and signed during an in-office visit or as available on our website. For your review, our Patient’s Bill of Rights is also available on our website.
While the telehealth format we are using, WebPT as the host for, is fully HIPPA compliant, we are not responsible for any unlawful breech of privacy during telehealth sessions. We are not responsible for any technical problems that may interrupt the session but will make every effort to complete or follow up with phone or email contact to assure any needs left unmet are addressed. No storage or recording of patient information is being conducted.
With the massive influx of users to the internet to conduct their business, if there are any issues with connectivity, at patient’s request, other platforms may be used (i.e. facetime,, etc) but with the understanding that HIPPA compliance may not be guaranteed.
Maribeth Crupi Physical Therapy LLC
314 Main Street Suite 101
Wilmington, MA 01887
Phone: 978-447-5793
Fax: 978-447-5795
[email protected]
HIPPA Disclaimer: This transmittal is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity named above. The information contained in this transmittal and any documents accompanying this transmittal are transmitted by or on behalf Maribeth Crupi Physical Therapy LLC. This transmittal may contain information that is privileged and or confidential under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient or such recipient's parent or guardian, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, forwarding, copying or disclosure or other use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmittal in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail and delete the original transmittal from your computer without making a copy. Thank you.
We are committed to advancing your care and optimizing your health!
The Entire Staff of Maribeth Crupi Physical Therapy LLC